Icons are one of the most distinctive features of Orthodoxy Christianity. Icons are described as a “theology in colour,”
a “window to the infinite,” an “image of the Kingdom.” From the earliest times Christians sought to complement the spoken
and written proclamation of the Gospel by means of images. For this purpose they initially adopted certain forms of Greco-Roman art, which soon evolved into a distinctive sacred art governed by its own rules, traditions and theology. Icons are an integral aspect of Orthodox personal prayer and the Orthodox liturgy.
This fall in Montreal a course will be offered as part of the Orthodox theology programme offered by the Montreal Instititute
of Orthodox Theology and the Université Laval (previously under the Université de Sherbrooke). There are no prerequisites and it is not necessary to intend to follow the entire certificate programme to take the course. The instruction will be in English.
For more information please contact: (Or you may inquire directly via Fr George Lagodich or Alexander Schelechoff)
Click here to view brochure
Dr Paul Ladouceur
Faculty of Divinity, Trinity College,
University of Toronto.
Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses,
Université Laval.
Web: www.pagesorthodoxes.net